Fun stuff…

I signed up for the Yoga Journal 21 day challenge and started a team for my Yoga school. It’s been fun, as I’ve already set some personal goals for myself. The one that is easiest, so far, is the unplugging for at least an hour every day. The 2 cups of coffee is easier on work days than on workless days, right now I’m on cup 3, about to hit cup 4, but it’s all decaf. I would say that I’m going on week 2 of caffeine free, but I did have a cup of caffeinated tea on Friday afternoon. Didn’t do much to me, but I am liking being able to drink coffee all day without getting the jitters and sweats. It’s not on my list, but I do need to start getting out more. I’m planning on an afternoon at the mall, even though I won’t be buying anything.

I’m trying to be more social, and the universe knows exactly where to hit me to make sure I stay home. In class, we’ve joked about the universe putting adversity in front of us, to make us change regardless. Unfortunately, the universe has not realized that no gas money = no driving long distances to be social. I had everything set then Sprint decides to send a last minute text message saying “Your over due amount has to be paid by 12/4”. Which didn’t leave enough gas money. Sucks, because I had food all ready to go. 😦 At least I’ll be here for New Year’s, this year. Can’t wait to see everyone again, and next year I’m going to work on one-on-ones with friends for lunch or dinner.

I’m officially down to training weight. It makes me happy, and I’ve dropped on my body fat ratio, too. Reducing my stress level was a big factor in that (which goes along with the reduction in caffeine). It’s been wonderful for me and this last month I’ve pretty much been a lazy slob (well, not so much a slob, as I’ve been cleaning up the house, too) but I’ve definitely been lazy. Given what the rest of this year has been, I’m not beating up on myself, too much.

Also, I’m going to be in Dallas/Ft. Worth from the 22nd to the 30th, so if any locals want to meet up, let me know. Otherwise, gonna have fun with the family.


  1. First, congrats on kicking caffeine! That’s a tough one and you are doing great. 🙂

    Second.. do you practice positions such as scorpion pose? and if so, what are other poses you may recommend to try to build up to it?


    1. I haven’t gotten there, yet. At school, we’re focused on internalizing the sun salutations and the basic poses. As I progress through, I’ll eventually get to scorpion. But good build-ups for it are any backbend and hand/headstand. Bow pose, full cobra pose, and camel pose. I can see king pigeon being helpful, as it gets your foot to the back of your head.

      That help?


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